Discover the Proven Method
to Overcome Your
Obsessional Thoughts ( Was'was) ,
Horrifying Images & Guilt Filled Memories
7 Weeks or Less

I had been trying to fight my blasphemous thoughts and Taharah (purity) related issues for 2 years in a row . I was trying to cure my Bad thoughts considering them to be was'was , but they were becoming worse . JazakAllah khair to Brother Hassan for sharing this course " Cure Your Religious OCD " with me and enabling me to realize that my problem was more of Religious OCD and less of Was'was . Now ,I am on the 5th week of this Course , and Already feeling such Confident , fearless and strong . I Never could imagine that I would return back to my Normal life ever. Now it seems a reality . Alhumdulillah !!
What is this Course About ? "

"Cure your Religious (Islamic ) Ocd " is a Video Course which has specifically been designed to help those Muslims who are struggling with the Trouble of Obsessive Thoughts ( Images , memories , impulses ) . Especially those of us , who are applying the Religious cures but not getting any Benefit . If you are facing them , then you very well can relate to what I am talking about . All of your Obsessive conditions ( Images , thoughts , memories etc ) can be summed up under the definition of Religious OCD . And this is more of a "Psychiatric" Condition , than a "Religious" one
Although there can be countless conditions which a person can face , if he/she is undergoing the Religious OCD episode but the most common conditions are :
1) Disturbing /Blasphemous Thoughts
2) Purity / Contamination Related Phobias ( Always feeling impure , Countless Baths)
3) Extreme Guilt & uncertainty about Your inner Spiritual State
4) Extreme Doubts ( About Purity or State of your Eema'an )
5) Sexual Disorientation ( Am I straight or Bi ? , Am I a pervert ? )
6) Obscene Sexual Thoughts ( About Sacred Relations , Sacred Personalities )
IMPORTANT : Trying to Cure these Conditions using the Methods of Curing Was'was is usually not useful , since Religious OCD is Not a religious Condition . It is a psychological Condition and it must be dealt with the proper psychiatric techniques . This Course comprises of the Proven Psychiatric Methods which have been molded so that a Muslim can easily understand and implement them . Moreover , inside the course , there are countless cases of Muslims who got themselves treated from the Blasphemous thoughts , Purity issues and Guilt challenges using the techniques that we have described in great details .

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Dear hassan bhai assalamalaikum ,
I m very happy and thankful that u did so deep study in this topic. I have completed module six till reassurance of mental rituals and I am feeling that looking to my problem u made the whole course and program.
Plz pray for me that after completing this course in sha allah i will live a healthy and peaceful lyf. Allah hafiz plz b in touch brother

How shall "This Course " Benefit You ?
This Course shall make your Spiritual and Emotional life healthy & normal again by ...............
Freedom From Fear of Blasphemous Thoughts of all Kinds .
Helps you Cure the fear of those recurring bad thoughts about our most beloved religious / sacred figures.
- Blasphemous thoughts are the most troublesome of all thoughts , which a person undergoes , in both the cases of Was'was or Islamic Obsessive Cases .
- With This Course , you shall Insha-Allah completely get rid of the fear and dread of your Blasphemous thoughts and Images about sacred personalities or any other respected figure.
- This Course shall also teach you how to stay unaffected and emotionally bullet-proof against the blasphemous Thoughts /Images , which push you into an unending feeling of disgust and Guilt .
- Week after Week , you shall be taught how to face these Scary thoughts. By the end of 5th week , insha-Allah , either your Blasphemous thoughts shall entirely vanish OR you shall be able to handle them from a position of strength with out being afraid .

Contamination / Purity Related Fears
Helps you Cure the fear of substances and bodily fluids
- Are you embattling with the constant dread of impurity by certain bodily Fluids and substances ? e.g Semen , Saliva , menstrual blood , perspiration , Urine etc
- Are you scared to touch certain objects and avoid certain situations ? Door handles in Mosques and public places , Prayer mats in mosques etc ...... Anything basically which others
have touched scares you ?
- Are you scared that your own body could be the source of
Illnesss & Impurity ; so you try your level best not to contact your Loved ones' and certain things which they use ?
- This Course enables you , by taking you from your hand and teaching you , how to beat the fear of your feared Substances OR Situations . Be it the fear of .......
Situations : Going to Mosque , going to Washroom , any place which triggers your fearful thoughts .
Substances : Your own Bodily fluids and wastes
Other acts : Like fear of handshake , hugging , using public washrooms etc

Confusion / Guilt Cure
Confusion arising from your state of Belief / Guilt arising from the sins you could be conducting in your thoughts .
- Personally having fought with these Feelings , I know that our bad thoughts /Images push us into an unending ditch of Guilt and Confusion .
- We spend hours and hours thinking : "If we are Still a Muslim " OR "If I shall be forgiven for this imaginary Sin happening in my thoughts "
- You might be Struggling with thoughts like : " If I am pure enough to conduct my rituals like prayers etc " OR "Will I make everyone in my home sick because I am such impure all the time ?"
This Course , just after studying it the first week , you shall feel a drastic control over your "Confusion" & "Guilt ". We teach you step-wise , on how to counter your negative feelings and become much more spiritual serene and peaceful .

Freedom From Fear Arising Due to Uncertainty :
Thoughts , images and fears arising because of uncertain future happenings and scenarios .
- Are your thoughts keeps you a hostage to fear & uncertainity , using such thoughts and images which could happen in your Afterlife ?
- Uncertainty Provoking thoughts such as : Will I Burn in hell ? Will I be Punished in the Grave ,
Is Allah(swt) becoming such angry with me ?
- Uncertainity Provoking Images such as : Germs ( impurity) making you such sick , Impurity making all your Ibaadah ( Salat, Zikr , Wudu ) useless , Am I Clean or Need I take shower again ? Shall I make my house /Children impure ( Sick) if i touch them ?
- This Course shall enable you to calm down such fears and projections which arise due to un-certainty.
- You shall learn how to think positively and never again become a victim of your bad religious thoughts .

Peace & Normality Shall Return :
Religious Obsessions always steals all the peace and serenity from our Lives.
- Religious Bad thoughts, pushes us into a False Belief that now nothing can improve and return my Faith , Peace and normalcy in life again.
- We shall
insha -Allah make sure that you return back to your normal peaceful life ; where these fearful thoughts , dreadfulimages and painful past memories shall no more keep you hostage .
- Imagine how peaceful it shall be , once you are no more scared of those Blasphemous thoughts __ Imagine , how your life shall turn once you shall be able to easily diffuse your horrid thoughts about "impurities" .
- Imagine , how much time you shall save once we shall help you step by step , to quit spending hours in the washroom completing your wudu or taking showers multiple times in a day .

- And much much more ..........

" Get Rid of Your
Religious Obsessions
Now ! "
Normally $147 - Today Only $27

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My Story !!

"Cure Your Religious (Islamic) OCD "
Assalamualiykum ,
I am Hassan and many of the readers must know me as the writer of the E book
"Cure Your Was'was Forever ". This Ebook detailed all of my personal experiences with Was'was and how I was able to get rid of them by applying the cures in the light of authentic Islamic Studies and psychological techniques .
But things took a drastic turn in the midst of 2015 . I was living a Was'was free life and my spiritual life was very serene and normal , when all of a sudden I was thunder struck again with those Troubling & heinous thoughts of Blasphemous Nature . I tried my level best to apply all the Islamic cures to ward off those thoughts , but this time nothing seemed to Help me feel better , rather those gruesome thoughts / images / memories and Obsessions were increasing every day , every hour .
This led me on another journey of Finding answers to these troubling thoughts ; and Alhumdulillah , I did find the answers . I did find the reason behind those heinous thoughts and how to control the Fear / anxiety / Dread which comes silently along with these thoughts . Therefore , I find it my utmost responsibility to share with you every Therapy method which enabled me to return back to a normal spiritual life , so that you can return to your peaceful spiritual life once again and
BECOME ANXIOUS NEVER AGAIN. I have put all my experiences inside this Video course and I have simplified them so much that every one can understand and practice this course ; and cure his /her Blasphemous thoughts , Purity issues , Doubts and uncertainties COMPLETELY .Take Charge of Your Troubling Thoughts
With Regards

See What Others Are Saying ........

I had been treating myself for waswas related thoughts about Sacred personalities for such a long time without seeing any considerable improvement ; until I discovered this course and found that my thoughts are merely a Mental Noise . After taking this courseand applying all the techniques that I learnt inside , I feel much better now. Ahumdulillah . And I hope to become perfectly ok in the upcoming weeks .

I would like to thank Brother Hassan for creating this course and helping Muslims like me who are struggling with such fearful obsessions of obscene nature. I was dying from inside from the guilt of my thoughts . The techniques in this course have refreshed my belief in my innocence and have made me such stronger . I practice my Ibadah with much more peace of Mind .

The consistent bad images of impurity from bodily substances ( Urine , Blood ) had ruined all the peace of my mind . I was under constant stress and depression as I was never feeling myself pure . I have gone through the whole course and I have defeated my Obsessive images more than 70 percent as of Now . I am confident to get rid of my remaining obsessions , soon , Insha-Allah.

Brothers & sisters , Our main objective of this product is to help those amongst Muslims who are striving with the shackles of Religious Waswas . Having Personally dealt with it , I know how much painful it can get . And as a result , we have put in every possible humanly effort to make this course the perfect cure for all kinds of Religious waswas .
But if for any reason , you do not approve of this course , you can immediately contact us within the 30 Days of your purchase , and we shall make a full refund of your payment .
No questions Asked. That's a Promise .

Free Bonus !!!

- In reality , there Could be 2 Sources of your Disturbing Thoughts :
1) Was'was
2) Religious OCD - This Video Course "Cure Your Religious (Islamic) OCD "shall cover in every detail the Psychiatric aspect of your Cure from those Bad compulsive thoughts .
- But what if a certain portion of your thoughts is being propelled by the Was'was ? For this reason , we have included this Ebook "Cure Your Was'was Forever" as a Bonus for our Brothers / Sisters .
- This book shall teach you in precise details all the Islamic cures that you need to combat those troubling bad thoughts , purity issues and combating the Wehm .
- Together this Book and the Video Course , shall make a COMPLETE CURE to combat the menace of your compulsive bad thoughts , images and memories .
So Don't Miss & Grab this E-book , Free with the Video Course -

Frequently Asked Questions ?
How Can I access the Videos ?
Can I download it OR can I just watch it online ?
Where can I contact you if I need some Support ?
How can I purchase the Course ?
Can I watch it on My Smart phone ?
What if I am Not satisfied from the Course ?
Let's Step Towards Your Spiritual Wellness .....

Normally $147 - Today Only $27